Category: Brand Equity

Pro-Tip #13: Quality

I went to a restaurant. Went out to take a call. Saw the employees in the kitchen "misbehaving" with the food. "It's not like we're gonna have to eat it." Pro-tip #13: If your product isn't good enough for you, it's not good enough for your customers and clients. Corollary to pro-tip #13: Reputation, once […]
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Equity or Income

Focus on maximizing income, and you'll end up getting paid very well for your time. Focus on maximizing your equity, and you'll end up getting paid well enough for never having to spend your time. Choose wisely.
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Pro-Tip #11

Greater the volume, greater the leverage. You can double your CTR easily be testing your ads, and this can lead to 400% or higher gain in your bottomline. But you can't necessarily double your profit margin per sale without affecting conversion ratios. Higher leverage is invariably found at the top of the funnel.
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Pro-Tip #10

The ads that do not work for one audience won't necessarily not work for another audience. If you had decent ads on a campaign that stopped working, test them on newer audiences.
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Invest 5 Minutes #5

Invest five minutes every day looking at previous business day's expenses. In a year, your business will be financially unrecognizable.
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Invest 5 Minutes #3

Invest five minutes everyday testing just one new variation of your ongoing ad campaigns. A new image, a new headline, or even just a new audience. In a year, your business will be unrecognizable.
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