Trust but Verify

Whatever gets inspected, gets respected. Trusting everyone is great, but verification is simply necessary. If you trust other people to do something, be sure to intermittently verify. This includes your closest associates, partners and even the most dependable colleagues/employees.
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Commodities vs Unique Offers

People buy commodities all the time. They just don't fantasize about them. Build products, services and offers your audience can dream about buying. Build objects of fantasy. Otherwise, you're just boring and markets will sway your business a lot more than you'd like.
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Build Systems Now

If you're feeling wealthy, if your business is great, if the economy is favorable, if you have an awesome team, if your profit margins are high... remember that soon enough tides will turn. It's only a matter of time. So systemize your business now. And the systems will help your business survive when the tide […]
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