Business Insights

In Quick Bites

The world works the way it works, not the way you want it to.

The world changes constantly, of course, and you can even affect some of those changes. But as of right now, this moment, it works how it works. You should plan accordingly.

If people can buy the same products and services from a competitor, you've already lost the battle for positioning.

A Unique Selling Proposition can be your business' single greatest asset.

Who brings what to the table...

They have money.

You have skills, systems and services.

Never undervalue what you bring to the table.

Drunkards may be able to live without drinks for a day.

Your audience, however, is bored. They can't live without stimulation for a day. If you don't provide it, someone else will.

Pro-Tip #4

Whenever you talk to your prospects and customers...

Always talk about them.

Their hopes, dreams, desires, fears and stresses are all that motivate them.


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