Business Insights

In Quick Bites

You can pay 10 times more for every lead you get than your competitors.

Because you know your customers' lifetime value. And they don't.

Good ads attract the right people to your offers and brand.

Great ads concurrently repel the bad prospects. This lowers your stress as well as overhead.

Everything starts with vision.

Your business is getting nowhere if you don't know exactly where it is headed.

There can be no strategy, no tactics, no implementation nor execution without vision.

Develop a marketing routine. Similar to daily routines successful people have for themselves. The first four things they do when they wake up.

Develop a marketing routine - things you do to market your business before you do anything else for the day. Then follow it religiously for at least a year.

If you don't know where to start systemizing your business, start with lead flow. Develop systems to generate leads regularly and optimize them.

Lead flow is the ultimate traction.


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